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Do You Still Have My Footage? Blog Image
Do You Still Have My Footage?

Weeks? Months? Years? Exactly how long do we keep your footage on our servers? Jeffrey has the answer for you on today's Lights. Camera. Answers.…


You Need A Video, Now What? Blog Image
You Need A Video, Now What?

You need a video. Now What? Every video project is different. But here at PEG, we are going to work with you to answer a few basic questions when kicking off a new video project.…

Industry Philosophy

5 Ways to Break Through a Creative Block Blog Image
5 Ways to Break Through a Creative Block

A wall that creates such a block that it seems easier to go back down and give up than to push forward. What do you do when you arrive at such a point? Here are five ways I use for breaking through those creative blocks.…

Industry Philosophy

Why Is Stock Footage Not included In My Cost? Blog Image
Why Is Stock Footage Not included In My Cost?

On today's Lights. Camera. Answers., James explains why items like potential costs for stock photos or stock footage aren't finalized until the very end of the video project.…
