Things are really starting to take shape in the new PEG offices! So, Ryan took Claire on a tour of the rapidly-changing space and showed her all the progress being made.…
Ever wanted to see the view from an airport runway? Josh gives us a quick look at how we used 360º video to take viewers on a super unique tour of the Akron-Canton Airport.…
Watch our COVID-19 safety procedures in full effect as we go behind the scenes with our team on a recent video shoot.…
One of our commercially-certified pilots, David, explains why the FAA has some pretty specific rules regarding where drones can and cannot fly. But also explains how we are here to help!…
We are looking forward to seeing everyone on-set and want to ensure that we have proper procedures in place so every person on a shoot with us is comfortable and safe. …
Downtown Akron-based creative agency Pritt Entertainment Group (PEG) received two Emmy nominations for the 2020 NATAS Lower Great Lakes Chapter Emmy® Awards. The nominees were announced on Monday, May…
COVID 19. WFH. UGC. All of these are abbreviations that you’ve seen and heard a lot about lately. And they’re pretty interconnected to each other in many ways - including in video production. …
5 Things We've Been Watching : April 2020 We love video here at PEG (obviously) and talk about it pretty much non-stop…
Yes, of course, we can fix a lot of things in post, but as James explains, you don't want that to be the go-to plan for your production.…
It's a win-win when we get great feedback and the client gets a great video. So today, Craig is walking us through leaving comments and notes on video projects so that the end product accomplishes the…
How exactly did we get those photos in there? [...] how we used post-production to go inside the legendary ball machine at Akron Children's Hospital for Bill Considine's 40th Anniversary Video.…
In this non-traditional PEG Update, Ryan give a look at what our team - and our amazing friends! - have been up to as we all adjust to this difficult time.…