People often ask what the key is to a successful video project or campaign. To me, that answer is an easy one…and it has nothing to do with what type of camera, editing technique or other bells and…
We wanted to share with you five things that caught our eye, started a conversation or gave us a little inspiration in March 2021.…
Maximizing your money is important for any project, and we know video is no different.In my last blog entry, which you can find right over here, I discussed what factors go into the price of a video…
When you reach out to PEG to do a project, it sets in motion a carefully refined process. Early in that process, often (but not always) after some early discovery and potentially some concepting, it…
Video terms can sometimes feel like a different language. So, our team put together this glossary of common lingo to help everyone understand what we talk about everyday.Is our list missing a video…
We wanted to share with you five things that caught our eye, started a conversation or gave us a little inspiration in February 2021. …
Downtown Akron-based creative agency Pritt Entertainment Group (PEG) took home the Best of Show from the American Advertising Federation at the 2021 Akron American Advertising Awards, held virtually…
Being creative means there isn't always a right way or wrong way of doings things. Today we get our creative teams thoughts on: My Best Editing Tip/Trick.…
With everyone spending a little more time on camera these days, our team is here with some helpful tips on how to look your best - even from home.…
The best football and the best commercials are a combination we look forward to every year. Well, the football might have been mediocre, but how did the commercials stack up?? …
Have you ever wondered when color first started being used in movies? We’re all familiar with the black and white look of old films, but when was the first jump into color? Motion pictures have…
We wanted to share with you five things that caught our eye, started a conversation or gave us a little inspiration in January 2021.…