August was another busy month here at PEG. Here’s a look at just a few of the things our team has been up to.…
So, It's Your First Time Being on Camera In video, one of the first questions is “how do we tell the story”. In a narrative piece, that is typically done with actors delivering lines, but in the…
5 Things We've Been Watching : August 2018 We love video here at PEG (obviously) and talk about it pretty much non-stop. So, we wanted to share with you five things that caught our eye, started a…
Question: Should I Be Using 360-Video?Answer: For arguably the first time, 360-video is finally mainstream enough that nearly all viewers will have no trouble viewing it and they have a great user…
Obviously, the crew that come along on a video shoot depends on the size of the project at hand. But, I am still able able to give you an idea of the responsibilities that we each have when we are out…
This summer is really flying by. Let’s check in and see what our team has been up to.…
It is crazy to think that it has already been over a month since the 2018 NATASLGL Emmy Ceremony in Indianapolis. This year has been filled with excitement and quite a few firsts for us as a company,…
Last week, we were fortunate to attend our first IDEA Conference in Indianapolis, which was an incredible experience. IDEA (short for Information Display and Entertainment Association) is a yearly…
5 Things We've Been Watching : July 2018 We love video here at PEG (obviously) and talk about it pretty much non-stop. So, we wanted to share with you five things that caught our eye, started a…
PEG Creative Director, Jeffrey Pritt, walks through how our team used After Effects to create a trick golf shot for a Veroot Brand Video.…
Believe it or not, we are already halfway through 2018! Let’s see what our team was up to in the month of June.…
5 Things We've Been Watching : June 2018 We love video here at PEG (obviously) and talk about it pretty much non-stop. So, we wanted to share with you five things that caught our eye, started a…