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PEG Update January 2019 Blog Image
PEG Update January 2019

Our first PEG Update of 2019 is here. Get caught up on everything our team has been up to so far and get to know our newest producer, James!…


Thinking video? Think mobile first Blog Image
Thinking video? Think mobile first

Think about how you experience the internet throughout a normal day in your life. Sure, you might spend some time browsing the web at your desk, but today’s world is busier and more fast-paced than…

Industry Philosophy

PEG Update November 2018 Blog Image
PEG Update November 2018

We're wrapping things up here for 2018 on PEG Update. Let's check out what our team has been up to.And we will see in 2019!…


Knowing Your Purpose Blog Image
Knowing Your Purpose

There’s more content out there than ever before. That means its become quite the challenge to make your brand stand out.In a world where you have competition for views (and for dollars), it’s…

Industry Philosophy

PEG Update October 2018 Blog Image
PEG Update October 2018

There's been a lot going on this month at PEG. Let's take a look at some of what our team's been up to.…


Tips for Working with Voice-Over Talent Blog Image
Tips for Working with Voice-Over Talent

One of the most common story-telling methods in video is a “voice-over,” which is basically a narrator’s voice speaking over the visuals providing information and context. This is most often seen in…

Everyone Loves to Learn Blog Image
Everyone Loves to Learn

Remember the joys of going to school as a child? There was always new and exciting things to learn and everyone had a favorite subject, teacher or class. Some of that child-like wonder certainly can…

Industry Philosophy